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Event Details

Session 3: Including All Families and Supporting All Children

Tuesday, December 12, 2017  
5:30pm to 8:30pm
(3.00 Hours)


Course ID 62937
In this workshop, we will discuss the importance of representing and including all families in the social and cultural community of early childhood programs. Focusing specifically on LGBTQ families, this workshop will help educators consider both deliberate and unintentional messages about belonging that are reflected in their classroom’s written material, environment, curriculum, and pedagogy. To create inclusive classrooms and schools, we will introduce concepts and language to for participants to use when talking with families and colleagues about different sexual and gender identities, discuss the legal structures that are involved in defining families, and help participants understand discrimination targeted at people who do not conform to our society’s gender or sexual norms. We will also identify curricular opportunities to teach about family diversity and develop strategies for teaching a more expansive understanding of family

NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
16 Court St., 10th Floor10th Floor, Room 1003Brooklyn, NY 11241
County Kings


Event Fee
Registration Closed
Register By


Katherine Schaffer (Email)
NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
Brooklyn, NY 11241

NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute

Instructional Methods and Strategies



In this workshop, we will discuss the importance of representing and including all families in the social and cultural community of early childhood programs. Focusing specifically on LGBTQ families, this workshop will help educators consider both deliberate and unintentional messages about belonging that are reflected in their classroom’s written material, environment, curriculum, and pedagogy. To create inclusive classrooms and schools, we will introduce concepts and language to for participants to use when talking with families and colleagues about different sexual and gender identities, discuss the legal structures that are involved in defining families, and help participants understand discrimination targeted at people who do not conform to our society’s gender or sexual norms. We will also identify curricular opportunities to teach about family diversity and develop strategies for teaching a more expansive understanding of family

3.00 Hours

Course Level


Professional Development Session

Course Category

Early Childhood

Gender, Sexuality, and the Family in Early Childhood Education

(2.5 Hours)
(0.5 Hours)

OCFS Training Topics

(3) Child day care program development (3 Hours)

Family Child Care Providers
PD Providers

School age