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Dorthea King-Simpson

PD Specialist Early Childhood and School Age

Approved NYAEYC TA Professional

ROCHESTER, NY Rochester Region

Time of day
Schedule Availability
Primary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Information

A member of the helping field since 1991, served in all levels of management including Executive Director of a program that directly benefited children. Is an endorsed and credentialed trainer, and coach for early childhood and SACC programs. Serves as the local Co-chair of the Rochester Chapter of NYSAEYC.

Age Group Expertise

Infants Toddlers Preschoolers School age Adults

Core Competency Area

  • 1. Child Growth and Development
  • 2. Family and Community Relationships
  • 4. Environment and Curriculum
  • 5. Health, Safety and Nutrition
  • 6. Professionalism and Leadership
  • 7. Administration and Management

Approved to Teach

Introduction to Coaching Early Childhood Professionals NY Pyramid Model: Parents Interacting With Infants (PIWI) NY Pyramid Model: Positive Solutions for Families NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Birth - Age 8 NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Family Child Care NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Infant/Toddler NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Preschool Protective Factors Framework

Coach Credentials

T-TAP Coach for early childhood and SACC.

Technical Assistance Endorsements

NYAEYC TTAP Coach - Early Childhood Teachers NYAEYC TTAP Coach - School Age Teachers NYS Pyramid Model Coach NYS Pyramid Model Leadership Coach

Higher Education

Mohawk Valley Community College
Human Services
SUNY Institute of Technology
Medaille College
Organizational Leadership