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Lorraine Falchi

PD Specialist Early Childhood

Approved NYAEYC TA Professional

NEW YORK, NY New York City Region

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Primary Language
Secondary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Information

Lorraine Falchi, Ed.D. is an early childhood coach collaborates with early childhood programs and educators through training, consulting, and coaching on early learning and workforce development. Using relationship- and strengths-based approaches with an equity lens, she supports early childhood professionals to transform their practice. Her foci include building family engagement, early language, early literacy, and concept development through math and science experiential learning within culturally responsive, bilingual, inclusive educational settings. She supports leadership development through coaching and communities of practice. Her passion is to guide and facilitate practitioner inquiry through goal-driven coaching and professional development with anti-bias education practices towards program improvement.

Age Group Expertise

Toddlers Preschoolers School age

Core Competency Area

  • 1. Child Growth and Development
  • 2. Family and Community Relationships
  • 3. Observation and Assessment
  • 4. Environment and Curriculum
  • 5. Health, Safety and Nutrition
  • 6. Professionalism and Leadership

Approved to Teach

NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Birth - Age 8 NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Family Child Care NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Infant/Toddler NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Preschool

Coach Credentials

Dr. Lorraine (Lori) Falchi partners with early childhood professionals using a strengths-based approach to inspire and maximize their personal and professional potential. She facilitates a relationship-based process with culturally responsive practices to connect, envision, and create impact. Coaching activates curiosity to integrate new practices and achieve goals through experimentation, reflection, and collaboration.

Tools to Assess Programs and Professionals

Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)

Technical Assistance Endorsements

NYAEYC TTAP Coach - Early Childhood Teachers

Higher Education

Teachers College at Columbia University
Curriculum and Teaching

Additional Credentials

Out of State Teaching Certificate
University of California at Berkeley
Master's Degree/Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
Out of State Teaching Certificate
University of California at Berkeley
Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development Certificate
TPOT Reliability
The Pyramid Model Consortium
TPOT Certified Observer