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Rosemarie Lawton

PD Specialist Early Childhood

Approved NYAEYC TA Professional

MILTON, NY Spring Valley Region Rosemarie Lawton


Time of day
Schedule Availability
Primary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Information

Age Group Expertise

Infants Toddlers Preschoolers

Core Competency Area

  • 1. Child Growth and Development
  • 2. Family and Community Relationships
  • 4. Environment and Curriculum
  • 5. Health, Safety and Nutrition

Approved to Teach

ACEs 101 Curriculum Foundations in Healthy Sexual Development: Infants and Toddlers NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Birth - Age 8 NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Family Child Care NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Infant/Toddler NYS Pyramid Model Implementation Preschool Protective Factors Framework

Coach Credentials

Tools to Assess Programs and Professionals

Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)

Technical Assistance Endorsements

NYAEYC TTAP Coach - Early Childhood Teachers NYAEYC TTAP Coach - School Age Teachers

Higher Education

Suffolk County Community College
Early Childhood Education
Saint Josephs College
Human Relations

Additional Credentials

TPOT Reliability
Program-Wide Positive Behavior Support Department of Child and Family Studies