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Stefanie Horton

Aspire Registered

Approved NYAEYC TA Professional

BRONX, NY New York City Region NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute


Time of day
Schedule Availability
Primary Language
Secondary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Information

Age Group Expertise

Infants Toddlers Preschoolers Adults

Core Competency Area

  • 1. Child Growth and Development
  • 2. Family and Community Relationships
  • 3. Observation and Assessment
  • 4. Environment and Curriculum
  • 6. Professionalism and Leadership

Coach Credentials

Technical Assistance Endorsements

NYAEYC TTAP Coach - Early Childhood Teachers NYAEYC TTAP Coach - School Age Teachers

Higher Education

Bank Street College of Education
Infant & Family Development & Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special & General Ed
DePaul University
Value Creating Education for Global Citizenship