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Erin Broderick



MELROSE, NY Albany Region New York State Network for Youth Success

Agency Staff

Time of day
Schedule Availability
Primary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Information

Age Group Expertise

School age Middle (6th-8th grade) Secondary (High School) Adults

Core Competency Area

  • 1. Child Growth and Development
  • 2. Family and Community Relationships
  • 3. Observation and Assessment
  • 4. Environment and Curriculum
  • 5. Health, Safety and Nutrition
  • 6. Professionalism and Leadership
  • 7. Administration and Management

Approved to Teach

Health and Safety: Competencies for Day Care Center and School-Age Child Care Program Staff Health and Safety: Competencies for Day Care, School-Age, and Enrolled Legally Exempt Group Directors SUNY Health and Safety Using the CBK to Supervise Staff and Identify Professional Development Needs

Additional Endorsements

NYS SAC Credential Instructor

Coach Credentials

Technical Assistance Endorsements

NYAEYC TTAP Coach - School Age Teachers

Higher Education

The College of St. Rose
Graphic Design

Additional Credentials

NYS School-Age Child Care Credential
New York State School Age Care Coalition
NYS School-Age Child Care Credential
NYS New York State Network for Youth Success
NYS School-Age Child Care Credential
New York State Network for Youth Success

Professional Memberships

National Association for the Education of Young Children